Psychedelic Bypassing: When Avoidance is Mistaken for Healing

A new study from Lawson Health about post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is looking at a more personalized approach to treating patients with the condition.

The study, done in collaboration between Lawson Health Research Institute and Western University’s Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, involves scientists looking at a form of treatment called deep brain reorienting (DBR) for PTSD sufferers.

According to their research, around 10 per cent of Canadians suffer from PTSD.

“In our study, we are looking at ways of trauma processing at the foundation of the stress response,” said Dr. Ruth Lanius, Associate Scientist at Lawson and Professor at Western’s Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry.

“When you are faced with a stressor the first thing you do is turn your attention to it, and when you do that you engage your head and neck muscles.”

DBR is a type of treatment that focuses on the muscles of the shoulders, neck, head and face of patients when recalling a traumatic event.

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